Coyotes had yanked her entrails out,

doe’s wounds still bleeding, their kill that fresh.

Her upcast eye lay open, 

and not yet dimmed, invited him 

to whisper fire, birth, spirit.

He was certain he could conjure more, 


though in fact what he celebrated 

was having to conjure nothing. 

Words came unbeckoned, so it tempted him 

to consider himself a visionary, 

the scope of whose language demanded no effort,

a man with a gift to read nature.  


That evening, the weather remaining warm, 

he opened a kitchen window

to a hermit thrush’s evensong. 

Any visionary would use that sound. 

If, however, the dead deer gave him 

celebratory words, the bird


perversely summoned dark ones, 

equally real and maybe more so: 

stubble, ashes, dust, dead leaves.

He instantly acknowledged

he hadn’t seen or read a thing

if he meant to use those verbs precisely.


The reach of his speech? Imaginary