Slow Drive at Evening

Through my car’s open window and their plate glass, I see the elderly couple who own the store. They’re in argument, or at least in disagreement about something... A little way north, Black Angus lie down in the pasture beside the…

The Things That Remain

Last night, a foot and a half of snow veiled the predominantly drab ground of the winter, another dire reminder of climate change. Snow or not, though, I can’t account for something I witnessed this morning: I noticed a honeybee caught between…

Sunday Noons

Having bought a Sunday paper, I stood sipping coffee in our village store, absently staring through the plate glass window onto the street.  I was conscious of the affable buzz of my neighbors’ palaver all around me. I couldn’t catch specifics…


Rapt, an old man inspects his living room mirror but not for his image. Instead, its angle subtly reflects the light of a stub of candle on the silent piano. He might say the reflection shimmers but the years, though blessed, have…


When he fetched the morning paper, he read of the would-be bomber wrestled down by fellow travelers.  A mile in the air, but nothing exploded, the man merely scorched his own shins.  Here icicles fall and bleed on the ground, his…


I smacked my foot against a table leg this morning and scolded myself: Watch where you’re going! A blood-bead stood below the nail, whose jaundiced color puzzled our grandson, here for the weekend. He asked, “Grandpa, how come you’re gold?” But…