The Things That Remain

Last night, a foot and a half of snow veiled the predominantly drab ground of the winter, another dire reminder of climate change. Snow or not, though, I can’t account for something I witnessed this morning: I noticed a honeybee caught between…

Sunday Noons

Having bought a Sunday paper, I stood sipping coffee in our village store, absently staring through the plate glass window onto the street.  I was conscious of the affable buzz of my neighbors’ palaver all around me. I couldn’t catch specifics…


Rapt, an old man inspects his living room mirror but not for his image. Instead, its angle subtly reflects the light of a stub of candle on the silent piano. He might say the reflection shimmers but the years, though blessed, have…


When he fetched the morning paper, he read of the would-be bomber wrestled down by fellow travelers.  A mile in the air, but nothing exploded, the man merely scorched his own shins.  Here icicles fall and bleed on the ground, his…


I smacked my foot against a table leg this morning and scolded myself: Watch where you’re going! A blood-bead stood below the nail, whose jaundiced color puzzled our grandson, here for the weekend. He asked, “Grandpa, how come you’re gold?” But…


He spoke of how one day he tried to find distraction by cleaning out his attic. As though he could. Up there he came upon his son’s toy Tonka tractor, pocked by rust. It seemed a relic from an ancient age but something too the boy might…